Such a lovely room

Such a lovely room

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Burial of Terry Tolerton

The Burial of James Terry Tolerton
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
John 6:37-40

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Terry Tolerton was a remarkable man indeed!  Though I did not know him personally, you all did.  That’s why you’re here today.  To pay tribute to a man you loved, who made a difference in your lives.  I have heard a few stories about him, and I’ve read his obituary, and we’ve heard the wonderful testimonies from John, Christina, and Will.  And I can tell just by looking around this room today that he left a great legacy.

And as I thought about all the things Terry did over the course of his 82 years, I realized the common threads running through his life are consistency, and showing up.  I mean you can just run down the list.  Two tours in Vietnam, a war that many people bent over backwards to get out of fighting.  But Terry showed up.  He served his country proudly.

He had a lifelong obsession with golf—which I’m guessing has something to do with why we are gathered in this particular place—but nobody is born a good golfer.  Golf is a game that is perfected over the long hall.  Again: consistency and showing up.  Terry’s level of commitment to family shows these traits as well.  And building a business from one little shop into a multimillion dollar organization.  That happens through consistency and showing up.

And, possibly the greatest example of this was in his final years caring for his beloved wife Judy.  He was there for her, because he loved her.  So often in life it is easier and even tempting to not show up.  To just tell yourself that somebody else will step in.  But the life of Terry Tolerton is a shining example of the value of consistently showing up.  I have no doubt that Terry is greatly missed, for who he was as well as the for example he set for all who knew and remember him.

I hope that you will continue to share your stories and memories of your time with Terry in the days and years ahead.  But here is what I really want you to hold onto as you leave this place today . . .

In the passage of scripture I read a few minutes ago, from John’s gospel, Jesus says, "Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away.” And “I will lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.”  Jesus is always consistent, and faithful, and keeps showing up, and never loses what is his.  All of us are given the gift of life on this earth, and when our time here is through, we return back to the one who gave us that precious gift of life.

Terry spent his days consistently showing up.  And he passed that attitude on to his children and his friends.  And now he has returned to the one who always shows up, in every circumstance, and every stage of life.  Though Terry is lost to us as we continue to live out our own lives, he is not now—and never was—lost to God.  Because Jesus does not let go of what is his, and God consistently shows up for each one of us, and will raise us up with Terry on the last day.  May God bless Terry Tolerton, and may God bless all of you.


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