Such a lovely room

Such a lovely room

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Burial of Wendy Little

Wendy Little, 1/10/25
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 23
Revelation 21:2-7
John 6:37-40

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Wendy was always on the move.  She traveled the world because she wanted to see things, and learn things, and visit exotic places.  And then, when she got back, you would hear all the stories—some of them quite bizarre, I must add.  But Wendy was always on the move.

Later in life, when her doctor told her she needed exercise, Wendy took to walking.  Actually, I should call it power walking.  You’ve never seen someone with a walker move so fast!  Since we live around the corner from her house, we were on her route.  And any time I was out grilling in the driveway, I could count on hearing Wendy’s walker racing up the block.  Determined to get her steps in.  Always on the move that Wendy.

And not just physically.  Though Wendy was firm in her political positions, she was always willing to hear what others had to say.  More than once she called the office, or spoke to me after church and said, “You know, I’m a Republican, but I agree with what you said, and I’m glad you said it.”  To be clear, I am careful not to preach politics in church, but to Wendy it was important to start these sentences by telling me where she stood politically, even though it wasn’t a political sermon she was talking about.  But she was always willing to move . . . at least a little.

In the passage I read from John’s gospel a few minutes ago, Jesus says “Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away.”  Everything and everyone will come to Jesus.  And Jesus promises that he will lose nothing the Father has given him, but will raise it up on the last day.  Jesus walks with us throughout our lives, no matter how fast we go or how much we are on the move.

Wendy was always on the move.  But in all her travels, she has not gone anywhere she has not already been all along, which is safely in the palm of God’s hands.  Jesus says he will lose nothing that has been given to him.  Not Wendy, not you, and not me.  No matter where we travel, no matter how much we move, Jesus is holding us throughout our entire lives.  And—more importantly—Jesus is also holding us in death, because Jesus does not lose what is his.

Wendy has traveled to a new place, and one day we will join her there.  And she will most certainly have even more interesting stories to tell as we walk together, if only we can keep up with her.  God bless Wendy Little, and God bless you.


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